Joe's 280Z EV Pictures · 13 February 07
Last month saw a few in-progress pictures of Joe Porcelli’s 280Z electric conversion. Here’s a collection of follow-up pics (click to enlarge).

Thanks Joe!

Last month saw a few in-progress pictures of Joe Porcelli’s 280Z electric conversion. Here’s a collection of follow-up pics (click to enlarge).
Thanks Joe!
Just a couple of Q’s. What is the small square box above the brake master cylinder?
Also, is the DC/DC converter an IOTA?
Are you using the whole clutch assembly or are you direct connecting it and using the clutch plate like a rotary shock absorber?
The layout looks quite neat – lots of room to play with up front in those rear wheel drive cars.
That square Gray box is a vacuum switch, to tell the vacuum pump (for the power brakes)to turn off when the vacuum reaches 18-20hg. We’re using the clutchless design, yes like a rotary shock absorber.
does this vehicle regenerate when the brakes are applied or when you take your foot off the accelarator. If yes does that make it hard to shift? Cause the motor would still be turning. (?)
No regeneration on this car, it is pure DC no AC
Just wondering what motor did you choose, and voltage?
The motor is an FB1-4001a and 144 volt system.
I’m curious… are there any auto shops in S. California that do these conversions? I love my ’77 280Z but would like to help save our planet.
Our 280Z-EV is finished & we’ll be glad to do another.
And we are in So Cal in the San Fernando Valley.
Joe, you wouldn’t be able to do any video recording of the sights & sounds of your EV in motion. Stopping & starting, low and higher speed etc?
Maybe even just a minute of video on YouTube? You’d attract a LOT of attention! (and I’d be the first to comment!)
It’s possible, I guess I’ll have to open a You Tube account first.
Has anybody had any expierence with these batteries?
How much of a weight differnt is there to the car ?
Factory curb weight is 2870 lbs., after EV conversion 3220 lbs.
Do you upgrade the stock suspension in any way to handle to extra weight?
Hi Fred,
My first EV got a set of heavier duty back springs to keep things on a level “keel”. Seemed to work nicely.
Spot on! We came to the same conclusion after a very rotund friend of mine tried sitting on the car rear. Finding some heavy springs shouldn’t be a problem.
Yes, rear only 3rd pic down on the left for the 500 lbs. extra battery weight, the front batteries were about the same weight as the I.C.E engine.
This project is finally finished.
Time to start on the next EV.
yeah…. Suppose it’s completely for guys. I’m looking for some material for my husband on electric conversion, think he will appreciate it, though for me, it’s all uncomprehensible! :) have a nice day!