- Is that a tiny car or is that a Super Model? Probably a little of both, meet Pietro’s electric Fiat 500. We’ve had a few earlier posts from Pietro and today he sends along a link to his new website, including a nicely translated english version. Makes me want to schedule our next vacation for Italy just to swing by and bum a ride!
- David Pogue did a feature for CBS called Could the Electric Car Save Us? He also wrote an article for the NY Times (he’s their tech columnist) entitled, The Rebirth of the Electric Car.
- NPR also has an article on electric cars, Entrepreneur Hopes to Charge Electric-Car Market. The story covers Miles Rubin and his company, Miles Automotive. You can also learn more and see some of their products on their website.
- For all of our Electric Car friends down under here’s a couple links to Australia EV resources (thanks John): EV Australia and the Australian Electric Vehicle Association.

I like how the existing models move at 25 to 35 MPH and the future models move at 80MPH. Looks like vaporware really is the newest trend in EVs
That CBS video is a great one Jerry. I’ve decided to take off my sceptics hat and put on my excited optimist’s one instead.
As much as I dislike the range-extender concept the Chevy Volt might just change the automotive world.
Great job and great English site.
The car looks fine and seems to fill the job well.
Hi Pietro!. Great job. You could add it EVAlbum I saw a Fiat 500 in England recently and the first thing I thuoght was what a good ev it would make!