- Maybe wishful thinking, but according to this article, Cheap solar power is poised to undercut oil and gas by half. The article talks about Flisom Solar but we’ve also seen similar advancements in cost cutting and power increase with other companies, including our friend Mr. Ovshinsky (inventor of the NiMh battery) over at Ovonics ECD.
- Flagstaff is hoping to be the home site of the new Tesla EV Plant. (update: they decided on Albuquerque, NM instead (because it’s so fun to spell?))
- This sounds like something Darin either has, or will do: Software patch to improve engine efficiency 2.6% by turning off the alternator at key moments.
- Not EV related, but some interesting stuff all the same, I’ve been spending time reading up on house physics over at BuildingScience.com. And it’s not all dry science, they even take time out to shoot fence posts at walls.

Hello Again,
I am still planning out my EV and I appreciate your help. I was thinking about an El Camino as the donor vehicle but I know this car is pretty heavy. To save weight, I was thinking I could remove the engine and transmission together and beef up the differential. Upon crunching some numbers, I discovered that even with somewhat small tires the axle would only have to spin about 1500 times per minute to achieve 90 mph. It seems like a motor could be linked to it with a 1:1 ratio and be just fine. Why use a transmission or differential at all?
Thanks again,
There’s an El Camino in the
EV Album – you could ask the owner www.evalbum.com
You’d want to use some transmission to allow the motor to spin at higher RPM. Power is torque times RPM, so if your motor is rated at say 50hp at 5000 RPM, then running it at 1500 RPM gives you only 15 hp, not nearly enough to propel you at 90 mph.
You could ofcourse get a motor designed to run at 1500 RPM but it would have to be very large to give enough torque to propel your vehicle, this translates to either very heavy or very expensive.
Using the differential you’d get something like a 4.11 gear ratio, meaning the motor will spin at ~6000 rpm at 90 mph. This setup can be direct driven by a 11”-14” forklift style traction motor, which are both cheap and plentyful.
You wouldn’t exactly get up to 90mph though since this size motor tends to top out at 4500 rpm. If you truly need 90mph direct drive then two 8” motors in series direct driving the diff is your best bet.
DC motors generate peak torque more or less at a standstill, as RPM goes up the available torque begins to go down. A torque chart like this (pdf) for the FB-4001A helps to demonstrate this. Here’s a similar chart for a Siemens AC motor, which I can’t say that I fully understand but appears to show a wider torque/rpm range.
Someone had written a while back that they thought using a stock, or slightly modified, differential would probably work. I’ve seen a Solectria pickup with the motors (2) mounted directly to the differential. The differential was flipped so the “input” was pointing backwards, allowing more clearance for the motors. If I remember correctly Solectria used AC motor/drives in their EVs.
heres some pics of a solectria pickup
The motors do appear to be AC