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Welcome to the Electric Car Weblog. In addition to links, news, and tips about electric cars and other forms of alternative transportation we are publishing an on-line diary of our current EV project. Started in August 2005 the chronicle follows the conversion of a gas powered Ford Probe into an Electric Car.

You will find articles organized by categories, along with recent comments, along the right hand column of the website. If you are just getting started with the idea of converting a gas car to electric be sure to check out Your First Electric Car .

Welcome and enjoy!

EV Schematic · 28 October 05


In the last episode of Electronics for Dogs they covered the high voltage section of a typical EV schematic. It was missing a few things and, of course, didn’t cover any of the low voltage controls. Time to bring all of that together.

The last EV schematic I drew was in early 1996. Back in 1996 people were starting to think this internet thing might actually go somewhere and, what-the-heck, let’s buy some of this Yahoo! stock.

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Electronics for Dogs V · 17 October 05

Electronics For Dogs Part V

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Electronics for Dogs IV · 13 October 05

Electronics for Dogs Part IV

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Electronics for Dogs III · 11 October 05

Electronics for Dogs Part III

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Electronics for Dogs II · 10 October 05

EFD II Promo

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Electronics for Dogs · 9 October 05

Throughout the conversion process I probably toss around a lot of jargon that is unfamiliar. And it isn’t just because I’m making things up, although that is certainly a big part of it. There’s automotive parts and techniques that might be new and of course the whole “electric car” portion can seem like really complex electronics.

But an electric car isn’t all that hard to understand once you grasp a few electronic basics. In fact at its very simplest an EV isn’t that much different from the circuits in a light dimmer or a remote control toy car.

Here’s a fun little series of electronics primers, presented by Zeke and his friends. Hopefully it will be useful for those who haven’t cracked open an electronics book or who have tried and failed to understand the wiring diagrams in the back of a car’s how-to manual.

Electronics for Dogs, Part I

Read Electronics for Dogs Part I

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Electronics for Dogs I · 9 October 05

Electronics for Dogs, Part I

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