- A boy and his EV motor! Congrats to Gavin on receipt (and installation? I’m late in posting…) of his ADC motor. You can start at the beginning of his conversion from the KiwiEV homepage. (Gavin, that shirt isn’t conductive is it?? :) )
- James sends along a link to the Build It Solar web site he ran across the other day.
- From the in-box also comes a link to Richard Marks’ EcoVElectric website.
- Article on Sparky, Mike Phillips’s S-10 EV.
- Gas prices are going up, which means more news/speculation/research/(and kooks) with alternate fuel production, storage, or consumption techniques. Among the latest:
- Heat -> sound -> electricity device
- Solar cells may finally break into the realm of 40% efficiency
- Analysis of switch-grass ethanol production